Success Rule #8. I know we all need to make a profit. Without it, we would have a difficult time surviving. In today's world, we exchange money for things because that's how it was all set up. This will all change some day, but until then we are stuck with the system we have. The system becomes much easier to ply, however, when we realize that constantly thinking of profit can actually turn others, that may have purchased from us or helped us, off. I'm sure you've all smelt the desperation oozing from the pores of a desperate sales person. But there's another way. Once you decide what your "why" is, the reason you do what you do, the reason you get up in the morning, you'll find that your vision and your purpose become so much clearer. And operating with that clarity will bring you 10X more abundance than just operating with profit in the forefront of your mind. Give it a try for 30 days and watch the abundance start flowing in!
Desire is what starts everything rolling in the Universe. It's what causes something to happen from nothing. However, don't confuse desire with expectation, or with need.
It is entirely possible to desire something without needing or requiring it.That small little, almost imperceptible difference, makes everything work. Desire, do not require. To desire propels. To require compels. Life will not be compelled, but it can be coaxed. What's your deepest desire for today? Neale Donald Walsch said that and he was absolutely correct! Who is the most important person in your life? Yes, I know your kids are important, your spouse, your parents, your grandparents, your friends and co-workers, but whom is absolutely most important? That's right, YOU! With that in mind the only person's approval you need to do anything is your own. Sure, you may want to bounce some of your ideas off others to gain some valuable feedback, but as far as approval, that's all yours, baby. When you think about it, there is really only one reason to do anything: to announce and declare, express and fulfill, become and experience Who You Really Are. You are the Captain of your Soul. Now, get out there and steer your ship to destinations YOU desire.
Paul Marsden said that he was absolutely right! If you look back over history, human beings have always assimilated new ideas, beliefs, behaviours, and religions by being in close contact and learning from each other. The indigenous peoples of North America knew nothing of the the beliefs, behaviours or religions of the rest of the world before men from Europe landed on their shores. All of that was spread by contagion (as were a host of other things!). What this means is that we have been handed down beliefs from our ancestors that are many thousands (maybe millions!) of years old. You are making decisions today based on ideas that are thousands of years old. Based on what, tradition? Does that sound right to you? Don't be afraid to buck the system and make decisions that feel right to you. You are a unique and powerful being. Be an individual. Go down that road less traveled. Develop some of your own beliefs. Disrupt old and established ideas. "We've always done it this way," is a phrase that I hate to hear when I ask why something is done a certain way. There's always a better way. Find it.
"How are you?" I ask. "Busy!" you reply. "Very Busy!" OK, you're busy. That's easy, anyone can be busy. In fact, I'm busy typing this into my computer. But are you being productive? These are two very different things. "Too many things to do and not enough time to do it in. I need to manage my time better." I hear that all the time in my coaching practice. Well, we all have the same 24 hours in a day and quite frankly, time, cannot be managed, so give up trying! What can be manged, however, is behaviours. If you adopt more productive behaviours, you'll find you have more time. The best place to start is to simplify. Make a list of the things you commonly do and then decide which ones you can Delegate, Dump or Do. Stop doing the meaningless tasks and dump them. Then delegate or automate the tasks that someone else could do. Now you're left with the tasks only you can do. Did you find more time? No, but you changed your behaviour so now you have more time to do productive things. Do this one thing in your personal and professional life and see how things change. Made the list yet?
Jack Canfield said that and he was absolutely correct! How many successful people can you think of that are always negative? Exactly, most of them are in prison. When you say to yourself "With my luck it will never work," "Easy for you, but I can't do that," or "I couldn't possibly be successful, I'm a single mom/dad." You're feeding your subconscious mind with negative reasons you can't do something. We've all said these things to ourselves before, but know this; if you don't change the way you think, your life will never change. Don't get me wrong, some self-deprecating humour can be fun, but when you tell yourself that you are useless, your subconscious mind is listening, actually it's recording. And the next time an opportunity comes along you'd like to try, it replays that tape: "Oh yeah, that's why I can't do it." "That's why it will never work out for me." But the good news is you have free will, and that gives you the power to change your thoughts whenever you like. How about today. Is today a good day to change your thoughts? I though you'd think that!
Bob Marley (paraphrased) said that and he was absolutely right! Let's face it, we'd all love to be great. I know when I was a child I always felt that I was special and would turn out to be great. Little did I know that it would be after suffering so many highs and lows and finally finding my flow late in life by helping others. As Bob tells us, greatness is not defined by our wealth, the things we own, how many friends we have, our job title or even what we've accomplished. If you have integrity, and by that I mean integrity with yourself (not just with others), and you have found a way to affect others around you in a positive manner, leaving the world just a little better off for you having been here, then you are great. We're all already born "good" with greatness just waiting to blossom. The difference between the good and the great is most often quite small. The great perform small actions that when performed on a consistent daily basis elevate them to the next level. If your day is always helter-skelter what do you think your chances are for reaching true personal greatness? If, on the other hand, you performed planned actions on a daily basis and helped others become even better than you, do you think that would put you on the right path to greatness? I thought you'd see the difference.
Why do so may of us feel the need to struggle? When we were young a seed was planted in our brains. "Life is a struggle." "Money doesn't grow on trees." And so we go through life struggling to make it. But what exactly is "it"? Money? Status? Toys? Things? Have you ever just slowed things down enough to wonder what this invisible force is that beats our heart, grows our hair, or our fingernails? What causes the trees and plants to grow? Baby animals to be born in the wild - without our interference!? It seems there are more questions than answers. But that's the rub. We needn't search for answers because deep inside we already know all there is to know. Listen to your intuition, your Soul. It will tell you. You are a divine creation that is already an unabashed success! There is nothing you "have" to do today, but you may "choose" to do some things. Choose to do the things that help you feel like the success you already are. What will you choose to do today?
Wayne Dyer said that and he was absolutely right! Risk - the threat of damage, injury or loss caused by external or internal vulnerabilities. That's a paraphrased version of one definition and what I like about this definition is the inclusion of "internal" vulnerabilities. Many of us tend to think about risk as a more "external" vulnerability, as in getting hit by a car, or falling down the stairs for example. And while many external risk are certainly present for all of us, day in and day out, it's the internal vulnerabilities that can really affect our lives in the long term. Some of us have become so risk adverse that we are afraid to smile at a stranger, hold a door open or even ask for directions. I have five criteria I use to evaluate risk, whether it be personal or business, but that will have to wait for another time. For now, I will give you two to think about as you go about your day. First is ROI, return on investment. Will smiling at that stranger give me an ROI? I think it will. The next one is Lifestyle. Will smiling at that stranger benefit my lifestyle, now and later? I think it will do that too. The point is, many of us are afraid to take these small little risks daily, yet we want to become people of character or grow our business. Almost impossible without taking some risk. Calculated risk that is. Stay tuned for full disclosure on the five criteria I use to evaluate risk.
AuthorMike is an author, coach, and creator, that specializes in helping others become their greatest versions. Archives
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