Blessed to discuss business growth tips on Marc Guberti's podcast! Jody Foster said that and she was absolutely right! What is normal anyway? Well, in most cases it means you are average, acting like expected, ordinary and typical. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound very exciting. And yes, I know that there are many times we must conform to societies "ideas" of what we should be, but if that's all you ever do, how could you ever be creative. And to be creative is why you are here. You are the most incredible creating machine the Universe has ever seen. With just a mere thought, from seemingly out of thin air, you are constantly creating your future. Question is, who is shaping those thoughts? Are you a victim of life and allowing society to shape every thought or are you a victor of life by going against the grain and thinking totally unique thoughts? I thought so.
Are you feeling broken? It's OK, we all do at times. Take the time to really feel those feelings your having, and then switch your thinking to more positive thoughts because no matter how bad it is for you, know that others have gone through it too. You're never the first to feel what your feeling. Do your best to begin to see the lesson in what your going through and then remember that even a broken branch can start a fire!
Ahh, I can smell your fire smoldering now! We all have things going on in our lives that seem to be going against us, rubbing us the wrong way. Sometimes its much more serious than others, but in any case, it still has something to teach us or it wouldn't be there. For example, take yesterday's snowstorm that raged all last night and into this morning. We thought we had made a good decision to hire people to take care of our driveway and steps to our doors, until we realized they didn't show up and sent us a note that we live too far out of town. Sadly, I had to break the shovels out at the last minute to shovel a path for my wife to leave for work and then spend a couple of hours doing some of the rest (still a couple hours left to go here at the lake house!). Now, this may seem insignificant to some, but that also meant no time for me to continue writing my next book, update web sites, post on social media, research on how to use the latest technology on my YouTube channel etc, etc. However, the snow and the sudden loss of our hired help has taught me patience. Patience and intention. I need to be just a little bit more patient and continue to drive my intention to spend the winter months in Panama. Next year!
Are you busy rushing around trying to meet the demands of employers, spouse and family? Are you so tired at the end of the day that you don't even know who you are anymore? These are all symptoms of a busy life based on what we perceive we "must" or "need" to do. In actual fact, you don't need to "do" anything. You have defied the odds even just being born into this world and there is no need to do anything except love yourself and others.
Now, this doesn't mean I abdicate sitting around on the couch eating chips and watching Netflix all day (unless they were spiritual shows. Just kidding!), but the point here is that instead of always doing, doing, doing, which pretty much assures you that you'll always have lack in your life, try taking a few minutes out to just sit quietly and just "be". Take in a few deep breaths and allow your mind to slow down (I know this is hard at first!) and try not to think of anything in particular. If you have trouble doing that, Take a walk in the park or with nature, leaving your phone at home (or silence it), and just enjoy watching a few animals, trees or plants existing with each other. See how they interact. Are the plants and trees hurrying around? No, because they know tomorrow will be another day and they accept that. Now, return to your day with a renewed sense of, yes I have to get things done today, but if I don't get it all done, if I don't satisfy everyone else's needs, I will live to see the sunrise and tomorrow will be another day. If you don't take time to go within, you will be going without. Simple as that. What's holding you back? What's stopping you from becoming the greatest version of yourself? Is it fear of failure? Maybe fear of success? Either way, don't worry about what might and might not happen, focus on the end result you desire and go for it! Because it's all about the person you become while chasing your dreams. No matter what happens - no one can ever take what you've become away from you. Ever.
This is a paraphrase of what Horace said so may years ago, and he was absolutely right! Although I used a somewhat comedic photo in this post to illustrate the point, it is still a very important point to make. It's been proven time and time again by individuals and countries, that when the chips are down and it seems like the sky is falling, new ideas are born. When everything is going smoothly we learn very little. And such is life; I've been through rough times, including family deaths, divorce and bankruptcy. But these were the times I grew as a person and came up with a plan for success. You see, it's not the success that gets to where you want to go, it's the person you had to become in order to get there.
Feeling down and out? Time to bring your "genius" to the forefront and come up with some great ideas. Write them in the comments if you feel so inclined. Goal setting. It's what well meaning people have been telling us to do our whole lives. Fact is, they were absolutely right, but with a twist. You see, inside every living thing is an inner drive, a desire or divine impulse, if you will. This drive exists to help us completely and wondrously express ourselves. That is, to become what we intrinsically know we can become, totally and wholly.
What is it that you always wanted to "Be?" Use this time while still in the physical realm to become what you can truly "Be!" Your Soul will "be" overjoyed! |
AuthorMike is an author, coach, and creator, that specializes in helping others become their greatest versions. Archives
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